- Download required files [download] // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting.
- Fiddler [download][How to use Fiddler]
- Firefox/Chrome
- More cheating tools and how to use them: [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]
Note: Some items may not be buyable. So if you get a save error, just buy lesser items then save. Example: If you buy 5items that can be saved, the game will save. However if you buy 5 items and 1 item cannot be saved, the game will get a fail save. Geddit? :D
- Download Database from the links above. www.pwnthis.net
- Open fiddler and replace shopMystery.dat. The rule editor are as required. If you do not know how to replace, read the Tool's Tutorial from the link above.
- Reload Pet Society. If replaced correctly, the lines will be highlighted.
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